mobile phone
Any mobile/smart phone issues, questions answered here
iPhone , Nokia , SmartPhones , etc
find out the tricks, your questions, your problems,
maybe what you would like to do.
Things like iPhone jailbreaking ? what is
it ? Will it affect my warranty
For Nokia Symbian phones, I can extract all current information on that phone which includes
messages, phone logs. What it will also do is show you a log of ALL calls and messages sent and
received, even if they have been deleted. The deleted messages only show the number
dialled/received and only apart of the message, but its a start o see what has been going on with
this phone, and of course you will know that the phone user has been deleting messages from a
certain user and the first few words are visible so you can probably work out what the content
of the messages are. What you would get is a full listing on what is on the phone, and a number
of formats, txt cvs excel html. All I would need is the phone for a few hours where i would
install a small applications to allow communication to the application to allow the collection
of the data
key benefits why Rescue PC should help resolve your mobile phone issues
- Backup copy off all contacts on your phone
- All numbers received/dialled from this phone even if they have been deleted
- The ability to see deleted SMS messages or phone calls made on the phone (although its not all the information, at least it gives you a clue as to what number was involved and part of the message)
- Keep a track of what your partner is sending, for those of you that are suspicious